Little Indian Creek November 2011

We walked a trail that we had not completely walked before. We had walked both ends of the trail before but this time we finished the whole thing. It turned out that we walked the trail the hardway for people but the easy way for horses - next time we will know. Here are some pictures of our walk.

During our walk Ann found a sign along the trail and was trying to figure out where we were on the trail.

From a distance it was easier to see that the sign was not a map but it was a horse trail signpost that had rotted around the bolt and turned upside down. We turned it upside down to make it easier for you to see.

We crossed a number of little creeks on the walk. Some had more water than others.

Ann looking upstream at the girls crossing the creek with Uncle Ted while Troy was putting on his mud boots that he carried almost the whole hike.

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