Savannah 2011

Troy had a two week trip to Savannah during that time of year when most people can hardly wait to be there - August. While he was there he ate at Mrs. Wilks and at Paula Dean's with some of his coworkers.

Here Troy and his coworkers are waiting in line to get into Paula Dean's. Then finally they are going up the elevator to eat.

Troy, Gayla and Greg are in this picture. Dave, Teresa and Roger are in the next - notice Roger is busy looking at the menu while the rest of us are busy messing around taking pictures.

The church Troy went to had one of those Nathan Green paintings of the 2nd coming. This picture does not do it justice. Troy had a difficult time making it to church. The Hertz "Never-Lost" tried to take him on a road that was not yet built. He finally had to stop and ask for directions and made it to church just a little late.

While Troy was in Savannah there was a hurricane brewing in the Atlantic and this large container ship was hurrying to get loaded and out to sea.

It is hard to visualize how big these ships really are. There are people standing on the stairs on the bottom two levels of the tower.

January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011
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