March 2022

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We noticed some turkeys strutting in woods where our neighbor had cleared. It would be nice to have them around more often to eat up some of the ticks.

Ann was hospitalized again. We appreciate your prayers and encouraging words.

Ann's violet continued to put on a lot of flowers.

Elizabeth got a Rubik Cube this year and has become proficient at solving it. She has coached Troy and Ann both through the algorithm she uses. They have both successfully solved the puzzle repeatedly.

Troy made a trip to Osceola to help his mom with some things. She had some lovely flowers.

Our church is continuing to partner with some Christians in Ghana and we provided Bibles for their work in areas with little Christian influence. We encourage you to pray about supporting missionary activities

The first hints of spring are beginning to show in these early flowers. You can see the progression from crocuses, apricots, grape hyacinths, jonquils, and hyacinths There is even a honeybee working one at least of the flowers.

Abby shopped for a graduation dress in preparation for the big day. Here are some of the dresses she tried on.

The kitties had their 15th birthday and they enjoyed some squeezable treats. Only Sparkle and Tar are left from the litter. They often sleep on Abby's bed. It is often difficult to see Tar on the black blanket.

We harvested three sweet yummy lemons this year.

Here are some of the amazing sunsets we enjoyed this month.

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