September 2022

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During his travels Troy encountered this "elephant" made by a crafty hotel employee when he entered his room at a hotel.

Our figs finally began putting on fruit after growing new stalks this year

Here are some pictures of a monarch butterfly that was passing by and enjoying some goldenrod nectar.

Our "new" neighbor to the north has opened a hole in his new fence so that they can push down the house next door.

While Troy was driving back from Indiana he encountered this unusual clouds. They looked like waves on water but in the sky. There were even pictures of them on the news that night.

Our church has a new addition and these are some pictures from the baby shower. No one was more excited about the games and activities than the older brother.

Troy was a judge at the Mine Rescue Contest again this year in Rolla. He helped set up the course in the test mine at the university as well as judging the gas detection portion of the contest, and the maps the teams created as they encountered the scenario. Sometimes the maps get very busy, like this one. The university has a robot that students are learing to use. It walked up and down stairs and pranced around the common area.

We are not the only ones looking for good things on our pecan trees. This juicy worm is getting a head-start.

These are some of the sunsets we were blessed with in September.

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