Sparkle Memorial 2022

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Our beloved cat Sparkle passed away on July 22, 2022. He had been ill for some time. Elizabeth had been doing her best to feed him soft food from a spoon. We will miss our Sparkle vey much. Here are some pitures of him and his interations with his sisters and us over the years.

Sparkle wanted to be where Sam was and he was moving in behind Ann.

Elizabeth captured this photo of Ann sitting in the swing while talking on the phone. Notice that Sparkle and Sam had taken up positions on either side of her.

Sparkle is sensing that Ann is not sharing her fries with him. Sparkle is looking for some grass to snack on.

Sparkle lying in the flowers. Here he is helping Elizabeth with her school work.

Sparkle sure does like to be right there when Ann is opening presents

Sparkle loved the gingerbread houses we decorated. The kitties are enjoying us opening presents and then they get a snack.

Elizabeth and Sparkle spend some time at the counter. Sparkle and Cloud seek shelter from the rain on the front portch.

Elizabeth is feeding her kitties. Sparkle looks on as Ann and Elizabeth open presents.

Sparkle was on the table one day during some of these studying activities and got to spend some time in the scriptures.

In October Elizabeth wasn't feeling too well one day but had a couple of very attentive comforters in Sam and Sparkle.

The new pillow hit the spot. Sparkle is enjoying the pillow on the piano bench in the background.

Sparkle is snuggled up close to the pillow on his birthday.

Sparkle was looking for a place to keep his paws out of the snow. Ann was not so sure that it was a good idea to teach him to be up on our shoulders.

Sparkle sits in the background as Elizabeth opens a present.

Here are some pictures from Ann's birthday. You can see that Sparkle is as interested in the gifts as everyone else is as he snuggles up with Elizabeth.

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