April 2013

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April started off on a sad note. Troy's Grandma Hart passed away. We were able to attend her funeral and we did have a nice visit with many of Troy's relatives.

The next week we celebrated Ann's birthday. Abigail and Elizabeth made Ann some blonde brownies in lieu of a cake and Troy encouraged them to make a double batch so there would be plenty. We went to Osceola for a short visit and were able to go to the ranch for a walk to a woodpile way back on the fire road.

Troy was on travel two weeks in April and he went to St. Joseph, Missouri and Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Troy was not able to visit many of his friends or family on the trip to St. Joe but he was able to have supper with his high school classmate Jack and Jack's wife Gail. Troy and some coworkers went out for supper in St. Joe but when they got there the menu was nothing like the online verison they had previewed. There was nothing vegetarian on the menu so the cook made up a dish and it was very good. The desert was pretty good too.

It snowed in South Dakota but it did not really impact the work they were doing. This was the second trip where it snowed.

Elizabeth played her first duet with Ann for Sabbath School. It was a blessing to hear them play together.

The weather this April was much different than 2012. The blueberries began blooming around the 19th and the paw paws started about the 13th. We went mushroom hunting and found a few this spring.

Troy was on travel in the Washington, DC area and as it happened so was Michael. They were able to have supper together and a short visit.

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