September 2013

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September found Troy traveling to Sioux City, IA and Florida the first two weeks of the month.

We then had some evangelistic meetings at our church presented by a couple of students from Andrews University, Jon and Melinda. We got to know them both pretty well when we had lunch and supper with them every Sabbath after the meetings started.

We participated in the national "Let's Move" day. A good sized group from our church came out. The trail we were walking on had some stops where you could do some additional exercises to make the trip more challenging.

The kids really enjoyed the walk and encouraged Jon in the extra exercises

We were on our way to church on Sabbath morning and when we stopped at a stop sign we noticed that a tree frog was looking up at us from around the windshield wipers. We decided to try and save the frog and it turned out to be a useful illustration for the children's story. It actually fit through the hole in a water bottle and when Troy open the bottle to show some kids at church the frog climbed right out much to their surprise.

Troy noticed a little commotion in the yard one afternoon. Turns out it was a hornet attacking a horse fly.


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