May 2013

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We got Ann some flowers for Mother's day and then we planted them in the flower garden near the driveway. We also got Ann an elipilator which she has come to like very much. We had some cookies with blueberries and strawberries from our patch.

In May we attended Siv and Andew's wedding. Ann played the piano and we enjoyed a nice meal at the reception.

In May Troy traveled around Missouri and the Dallas area for audits. His audit team stopped and ate at El Sambre - little did he know that this would be his last time eating there before they closed this year.

We found a little salamander out in the front yard and we had a turtle in the back yard. These were much more welcome than all the ticks we had. This was one of the worst years we have had for ticks and that is saying something.

We had some weather in May and here are some of the clouds before it started raining.


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