December 2013

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December started off with some ice and snow. Troy was in Tulsa and was nearly stranded but his plane was able to take off. Below are some pictures from the Tulsa airport before his flight.

The next weekend it snowed on Friday night into Saturday morning so we were not able to watch the meteor shower. Church was canceled so we spent the Sabbath at home and enjoyed the snow. The snow was very pretty coating the trees and blueberry bushes.

We got several inches of snow and it packed very well. We made a snowman that you can see below.

Sparkle was looking for a place to keep his paws out of the snow. Ann was not so sure that it was a good idea to teach him to be up on our shoulders.

Ann and girls went in to clean the church early the week of Christmas. Troy went with them. They stopped by to drop off a gift to Mary Jane Marshall. He dog, Lucy, was glad to see us as usual and her cat, KiKi, was not feeling well so we got to see her too. Mary Jane took a picture of us as we were leaving.

After we went out for supper we went to Tilles Park to look at the lights.

Christmas morning we opened gifts and decorated a gingerbread train.


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