August 2013

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August started off with some camping and canoeing with Troy's dad, his brother Michael, his wife Sophie and their children Kaiser and Kira.

Troy traveled to Cincinnati the first whole week of August. He had some interesting choices for a rental car and decided that he should go ahead and get a 2014 camaro. His coworker Amber, was not so thrilled with the choice but they were able to get her luggage into the trunk - barley.

The next week Troy went to Cheyenne, WY where he did not get the rental car. While Troy was away Ann and the girls started school. Ann continued homeschooling Elizabeth and Abigail started an online school through Griggs International Academy that is run through Andrews University.

The following week he traveled to Little Rock, AR for a couple of days and then to Memphis, TN for a couple of days. While Troy was in Memphis there were some archeology meetings in St. Louis. Ann and the girls downlinked the presentations from the live location to Southside. That Saturday afternoon we had a chance to go and look at the artifacts for ourselves. It was very interesting. You can see all the artifacts in the far left picture. The middle picture is of a lamp like the lamps referred to in the parable of the 10 virgins. The last item is a receipt for an offering for fish and fat - Ann is glad that those are not commonly brought in for tithes and offerings in modern times.

Below is a pottery fragment from a Philistine pot and to the right is replica of one of King Tut's thrones. The piece to the far right is part of a brick from the walls of ancient Babylon.

Troy had his 25th high school reunion. It was hot but the girls enjoyed learning a little more about Troy in his high school days.

Ann and the girls went to Michigan. While they were there they went to Charleton Park with Hannah and Grandma Scofield.


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