February 2018

January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018
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The last Sabbath of the meetings Troy had lunch with Ken, Shawna, and Heather after a very long delay getting out of the parking garage. Shawna made some very yummy veggie burgers from scratch. The meetings ended in early February and many people were blessed by them.

Troy had a work trip to Utah, then into Wyoming, and finally back to Denver. On the trip to Utah it was snowing just enough to ensure much of the dirt on the highway ended up on the windshield. He and his coworkers stopped just over the pass in Silverthorne to add some washer fluid. They were amazed to see a rabbit had hitched a ride from the Denver Federal Center in a void in the bumper of the vehicle.

Here are some pictures of the types of mining equipment used in the trona mines in Wyoming. The first image describes the mining techniques, second image is of a self loading shuttle car, third image is a longwall shearer cutter head, and the fourth image is a shield.

The left image of a shuttle car and the image on the right is of a borer miner cutter head.

Troy was home for his birthday and here are some pictures from that day. However, another while he was home we were sitting in the living room when there was a thud as a bird flew into the window. The sound created quite a stir among the cats who wanted to "help" Troy with the bird, if it was on the ground. Troy went outside and there was the bird. He carefully picked it up and held it for about five minutes. At first it wasn't really blinking but as it came around it blinked more frequently. Troy tried to get the bird to climb onto a tree limb but it held on to his glove. A few more minutes passed and the bird started climbing around on Troy's glove and looking at him, then it flew away.

Troy and Ann went to Graham Cave State Park for some alone time one afternoon. Unfortunately, it was icy on the park road so the park was closed but they didn't bother to post anything about that on the website... The ice had melted off most of the road when they arrived so they did walk down to the cave. The cave was fenced off and the floor of the cave is covered to preserve artifacts for future excavation.

January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018
July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
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