June 2009

In June Abigail turned 9. Where have all the years gone? She is growing up and here are some pictures of her at her birthday. The hat you see Abigail wearying in the pictures is one that Ann likes to wear out in the yard when picking blueberries. Abigail picked out the hat for the pictures all by herself.

Abigail went to camp for the first time in June. Here are some pictures of her at Camp Heritage. The day we picked Abigail up from Camp Heritage we also went to a family reunion of Troy's family in Kansas City.

Speaking of blueberries they ripened early this year. We still did not have quite the right match up of pickers to ripe blueberries so we ended up picking a lot of the blueberries ourselves. Here are some pictures of the blueberries. Remember, if you want to pick blueberries the largest blueberries come on early in the season in our patch. We also think that they are some of the best flavored too.

Troy went to St. Joseph for a trip in June. On the way over he stopped and visited with some friends he has that work in the OSHA office. He met up with a couple of old high school classmates while he was there and he also visited with one of his cousins and his family. He also made a quick visit up to his grandpa and grandma Carley's since he was just a few hours away from them.

Troy traveled to Ohio for a visit to a NASA site for a project he is working on.

Troy traveled to Michigan for an audit. This was another week away from the blueberry patch where Troy did not have to help the family pick blueberries that did not get picked over. However, when he got home his family made sure he got to pick the patch.

January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009
July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009