March 2009

Spring seemed to come early this March. Here are a few highlights.

It has been pretty warm but it has been dry. We are about 2 inches of rain below average so far this year. Because of this we have begun irrigating the blueberry bushes. The first day the irrigation system worked pretty well as we watered the East side of the patch. However, things didn't go so well on the West side of the parch. When Ann went to get the mail she noticed several puddles of water along the driveway and one place where water was bubbling up out of the ground. When Troy got back from getting the car serviced he began digging up the wet spots. Where the water was gurgling up one of the lines down a row had become disconnected from the main distribution line. It seems that the water that was pooling up in several other locations was water from this large leak that had seeped into a series of rodent tunnels and was flowing quite a ways from the main leak. It is no wonder that trying to flood out moles doesn't work very well.

Mailbox vandalized again and again.

Troy's family had an open house for his Grandma Hart. It was good to see so many of his relatives and here are some of the pictures. We also have some video if you are wondering what we caught you saying on tape..

Troy attended storm spotter training. It mostly invovled watching tornado videos. He enjoyed the training and so far he has not had to really put his training to work. Hopefully, he won't need to either.

January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009
July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009