January 2009

January of 2009 brought a number of changes to our house.

As the world raced into HDTV we were also carried along.

Our old mailbox was destroyed by vandals. It has been hit by the snowplow usually at least once per winter and knocked off the post and about once a year the vandals knocked it off the post. This year it was damaged to the point that it would not keep the mail dry so we decided to put up this nice new large mailbox we had purchased. It was up only a few days until it also was damaged by the bottle throwing vandals. Troy worked out a "shield" design for the mailbox and it worked for a while.

Troy went to Jackson Mississippi on a business trip. While on the trip his rental car had a flat tire along the interstate. Troy recommends that if you rent a car and you notice that the low tire light is on but has been blacked out with a marker request a different rental car.

An answered prayer on Superbowl Sunday - it isn't what you might be thinking.

We used to have access to a high quality video camera and we had a number of old tapes we made with that camera. When Troy cashed in some of his hotel points for Bestbuy gift cards we purchased a video camera that could read the old tapes. It was amazing to see the videos we forgot we had made. We enjoyed some of those old videos and have made some electronic copies so they will be accessible for at least a little longer. Now if you come for a visit you can see some of the funny things our girls did when they were little that we caught on tape.

The girls made a snow family just like ours. Here they are next to their work.

January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009
July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009