November 2009

In November we went to visit Troy's parents for Thanksgiving. We had a good time visiting with them. We also spent some time visiting the Boy Scout Camp where Troy spent most of his growing up years. Ann and the girls had a good time walking with Troy up and down the hills and trails. Here are a few pictures of the camp.

Troy had his last trip away from home for work in November. He went to Columbia, SC. While he was there he attended a local Christmas tree lighting and while he was out that night he saw a number of people with cups that had flashing lights and he bought some for the girls. However, when his group went into a restaurant to eat he noticed that these cups had a beer advertisement on the side of the cups that was not visible in the dark when he bought them. He was very disappointed. Abigail and Elizabeth like the lights very much and are hoping that Troy can cut off the tops of the cups with the advertisement so that they can still play with the lights and the design on the bottom of the cups that make light refract in different ways.

January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009
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