December 2012

December was busy for us. Troy had two unexpected trips for work. On one he flew to Buffalo, NY and then drove for a couple of hours to Pennsylvania. The other trip was to Louisiana. Both of these trips were to places he had not been before. While in Louisiana he found this sign one night while picking up a pizza. He was not sure if a customer made the correction or if someone there found it.

Elizabeth was promoted to the Primary Sabbath school class.

We had a gift exchange at home before we began visiting family for the holidays.

Yes - the banana tree in the background does not make it feel like December but it is surviving indoors much to our surprise. We have 4 inside and who knows maybe we will have some bananas next summer?????

We traveled to Iowa to visit Troy's Grandpa and Grandma Carley.

On our way back from Iowa we stopped in Kansas City to visit with Grandma Hart.

We traveled to Michigan to visit Ann's family.


Troy's travels for work took him to the following states and territories:

Arizona - 2X, California - 2X, Alaska - 2X, Florida - 2X, South Carolina - 2X, Georgia - 2X, Washington, Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Wisconsin

He just changed planes in Colorado, New Jersey, North Carolina

January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012
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