September 2012

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In September Troy traveled to Melbourne, FL, Prosperity, SC and Antelope Valley, CA.

His audit in Florida was busy again this year and even though he was on the coast he was not able to go to the beach.

Our church hosted a prophecy seminar that started in late September and ran into October. We really enjoyed it and you can download the audio files from the seminar if you are interested on their audiopage.

In South Carolina he spent a lot of time working in the evenings too but he did find a pretty good pizza place and he got to see an interesting sunset.

In California he was working at a construction site where a 230 Megawatt solar power plant was being installed. It was very smoggy but it continued to spark his interest in renewable power. There were some unique construction activities going on but Troy was not supposed to take pictures at the site but he was sent the pictures below. It was a really large site - they were installing about 3.5 million solar panels. Troy has been interested in solar power for some time and this trip has only increased his interest in installing a solar system at home.

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