November 2012

In November Troy traveled to South Carolina. Troy's parents came over for Thanksgiving lunch. We really enjoyed the food and it lasted for four meals. We made some hand turkeys and the girls colored them in. Abigail decorated the coconut cream pie.

She did a very good job and it looked very nice - it was tasty too.

The girls took a lot of time and thought about table decorations. The looked for matching blueberry bush leaves to decorate the table. We used the fine china for this special occasion and of course we had candles.

While Troy had been away a skunk took up residence in one of our sheds. Troy found the skunk when he went into the shed to get some leaf removal equipment. Thankfully, he did not get sprayed. He was able to get the skunk out and planned to begin making repairs to the shed the day after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, Thanksgiving night the skunk chewed a new hole into the shed and Troy did not realize the skunk was back in until he began repairing the shed. He was on the ladder using a crowbar to prying off some old boards. He looked into the shed and saw the skunk running back and forth under the bench at the back of the shed. Troy was able to get the shed closed again without incident.

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