May 2012

January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012
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In May Troy's travels took him to Sterling, Virginia and Lincoln, NE. While on the trip to Nebraska Troy was able to rent a car after work one evening and drive over for a suprise visit to see his Grandma Carley in the nursing home. He also stopped by to visit Grandpa Carley at his house and got a tour of the garden. It was really dry up there too, but Grandpa's garden was still looking pretty good compred to the drought that was already starting back in Missouri. The blueberries came in the earliest ever so far and the crop started off looking pretty good especially since Troy had pruned half of the patch pretty hard to remove damage from the cicadas last year. May closed out with a trip to campmeeting. Ann and Troy have decided that they like staying in a hotel with a private and airconditioned bathroom more than the dorms. It is one way to use up some of the hotel points that Troy accumulates during the year, with all the time on the road. We came home from campmeeting and were expecting a good harvet of blueberries to continue but the birds were eating them faster than they were getting ripe. Our harvest was about 30% of 2011. Troy was able to get a permit to remove some birds this year but it was really too little too late.

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