June 2012

January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012
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In June we celebrated Abby's 12th birthday. Troy traveled to a state he had never been to before - Alaska. He flew to Fair Banks and did some work in that area. One of his coworkers had business to attend to at North Pole, AK. It is quite a story so you will want to click the link.

The pipeline went through the location where they were working.

One of the more unique things they saw was the Lady of the Lake. It is a WB-29 that was stripped of so many parts it would never fly again. A decision was made to sink it in this lake so that rescue teams could practice on this partially submerged aircraft. If you look closely behind the opening that is not submerged you will notice a darker spot that is several feet farther back. That is the emergency hatch that was going to be used for rescue but as you can see the plane sunk too deep into the mud to be any use as a rescue plane.

One of Troy's coworkers took the road as far as it would go (about a 6 hour drive) and Troy wished he had gone along. They didn't have much time to go sight seeing but here are a couple of shots of the mountains.

It does not get dark in June and that was unusual for Troy. Here is a picture Troy took as he was about to depart. Note the time stamp and that you can still see a shadow (even with cloud cover) under the jet bridge across the way.

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