October 2012

In October Troy headed back to Alaska but this time to Anchorage. You can see the mountains right from the gate at the airport. His hotel had some stuffed bears in the lobby. His view from the hotel room was not all that one might imagine but up 16 floors is quite a view when you consider the seismic history of the area.

Troy brought home some gifts and here they are showing off the shirts. Yes, Ann is wearing her new shirt while decorating Elizabeth's birthday cake.

He came back home for a week and celebrated Elizabeth's birthday. Elizabeth had daddy get out the electric train to play with her before he left for his next trip. These photos are a little blurry from the movement of the train but a couple of the cats were also very interested in the trains. You can make out Cloud on the linoleum and she was chasing the train as it rounded the corner.

Troy then headed off to Washington State. He could not get home before Sabbath started so he stayed the weekend out West and visited with his friend Beth that he had not seen for more than 10 years. That morning Troy left about 3:30 AM and then around 5:30 AM Lynell left to go back to Michigan to live with her mom. Before Lynell left there was a going away celebration at the Southside Church and the Tsokas also had a going away gathering. From Washington Troy headed to southern California. He spent that week on another audit and then headed to San Antonio for some professional development classes. However, due to hurricane Sandy stranding one of his coworkers Troy was sent to New Orleans for another audit.


January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012
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