Camping with Michael and Sophie and their family July 2012


Jerry and the boys families went camping and canoeing on the Niangua River. This worked out very well for Troy because his girls had been wanting to go camping (not just in the yard) since early this spring. They camped at a place where Troy went to canoe camp many years ago. The river was low because there had been so little rain this year. Troy and Michael had chosen to go for a shorter trip and that was good. The pick up crew told them that the longer trip involved a lot of carrying the canoes. While we were camping it rained. Jerry had been enjoying sleeping on top of one of the picnic tables so he just moved to the one under the tarp and didn't get too wet.

Here are some pictures of the camping trip.

It didn't take long for cooking to start once the fire got started.

We were lined up eating in short order. The camp chairs were much more comfortable than the picnic tables.

After we broke camp we went over to Bennett Springs. It was still fun to feed the trout and we were able to get a lot closer than I remember being allowed to get. No one fell in either.

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