March 2020

January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020
July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020

Our church was holding a Revelation Speaks Peace prophecy seminar when St. Louis County closed all meetings with more than 10 people in attendance.

Abby attended a banquet at school with her friends. Andrews sent home all of the their students who could go home. It was a busy and stressful time for Abby as an RA. When her friend was sent home early Abby took over dog sitting duties her friend had been performing. Abby also enjoyed the peace and quiet of the house and the of the hottub. She almost stayed at school but at the last minute they senther home.

The flowers were starting to come up and here is a look at some of what we were blessed with and Sparkle also sniffing and rubbing in the grass. Yes, we did find a four-leafed clover too.

Troy enjoyed a carob bundt cake, better late than never.

Here are some pictures of our cats. Cloudy has not been feeling well and her health is visibly declining. She is enjoying spending more time snuggled up on our laps.

Troy was out inspecting on a rainy day and needed to cross a creek and here is what two of the bridges looked like. He had to go another way.

Troy saw these kitties in a hotel parking lot when he was traveling. He knew that his mom and Elizabeth would want to rescue them but our cats would not be friendly so they had to stay put.

January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020
July 2020 August 2020 September 2020 October 2020 November 2020 December 2020
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