Sam 2020

January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020
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Wednesday, February 5, 2020 was a mixed day at our house. Troy was working out of Joplin Missouri and a winter storm was coming in. It had already sleeted and snowed some before his supervisor suggested he head back to the office before it got worse. He made it to Rolla and before he could leave for home it was snowing very large flakes and the ground was already covered. His supervisor let him leave without finishing his paperwork and he headed for home to telecommute. The roads were not very good nearly all the way to St. Clair and then surprisingly they were only wet the rest of the way home. Ann and Elizabeth were glad to see him safe and sound. Our Sammy kitty also greeted Troy and helped him get his computer up and running. After he held her and rubbed her chin for a while he put her down. She then went over to the front door and Elizabeth let her out. A little while later Troy got up from the computer and as his gaze passed outside he saw Sam lying on the ground. Sadly, she was gone.

We are still very sad about losing our precious kitty but we are still blessed to have Sparkle, Tar, and Cloud. Troy was blessed to be able to have seen the kitty that loved him so much one last time. Ann and Elizabeth were blessed to have Troy home to find and bury Sam. We were all blessed that the ground was not frozen or covered in snow and ice. We are hopeful that in the Earth made new we will be reunited with Sam but if not, we trust that God knows and will do what is best.

The following are pictures of Sam that we have to help us ease our pain during this sad time.

Sammy liked to play when we changed sheets on the furniture in the living room.

These are videos of Sam from our game camera down by the pond. The files are 80 - 91 MB AVI videos.

Game camera 1 Game camera 2 Game camera 3 Game camera 4 Game camera 5 Game camera 6

January 2020 February 2020 March 2020 April 2020 May 2020 June 2020
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