April 2014

January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014
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In April we got to see more of Troy. He only had one trip to Toledo, OH this month

The pineapple plant continued to sprout a new branch.

Work on the playhouse continued. We built the rafters ourselves and we put them up one afternoon which had a slight threat of bad weather. Of course, when we were putting the trusses up a hail storm blew through pelting us with small hail stones and getting everything wet.

Abigail worked on filling in her family tree for a class project.

We received a cat scratcher it did not take them long to put it to use. We received it from someone we were sharing Bible studied with. The girls had to hold it in their laps all the way home. It was a small price to pay for the kitty's pleasure.

Abigail lit the candles on Ann's cake. It did not take Ann long to put them out and the cut the cake. Notice how generous the pieces are?

Ann received some nice and useful gifts. She and the girls had a good time opening them up. Troy's parents were over for the birthday festivities and to continue working on the playhouse.

Troy removed a beehive from a house in Washington. It was a job that took a lot longer than he expected and most of the work was above his head so his shoulders were tired and sore for several days. The owner of the house had not mentioned to his wife to much about the bees and she was a little distressed to find out she had been sharing her home with a next of insects.

In April one of our friends from church moved to Texas. We miss her but hope that she continues to enjoy Texas.

We had an Agape Feast at our church instead of our regular communion service. We barely had room for everyone and we had a very pleasant experience.


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