July 2014

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In July Troy traveled to Iowa and California. The former blimp hangar skeleton in the picture below is a leftover from a bygone area. It have a footprint of about 8 acres. Troy attended a week worth of lead (Pb) training so he could take the Missouri State test to be a Lead Risk Assessor, which he passed on the way back from our canoe trip.

For Independence Day we went to Elephant Rocks State Park and had a picnic with our friends the Tsokas.

One of the banana trees began to flower in July and Troy was very hopeful for some fruit.

Abigail went to camp in July and Elizabeth went with Troy to drop her off at Camp Heritage.

Elizabeth had swimming lessons and it was much warmer than last summer.

Troy removed bees from a house in Hermann. The bees were in an outside wall of the house. The asbestos siding had just one small hole where the bees were going in and out. It was a fairly large hive in the wall of an upstairs room.

From the comb Troy found in the wall it appears that bees had been in the house a number of times over the years. Troy had to cut a large home in the plaster wall. Even with this large hive there was very little honey.

We went camping and canoeing with Troy's brother Michael and his family.

Troy had a couple of suspicious spots removed this summer but they turned out to be nothing to worry about. Abigail went with him and had a few pesky warts removed.

On a sad note our dog Lady had what appear to have been a series of strokes and we had to put her to sleep. We buried her near PJ and Whiskers.

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