November 2014

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November brought us back to reality of work and school. We had a brief interlude for snow.

This is a view from the playhouse looking down and the small snowman that Elizabeth made.

Troy had a trip to Texas for an audit. It was nice and warm when he left and turned cold before he returned. This was his last work trip of the year.

We headed over to Troy's parents house for Thanksgiving and brought some things to share with Troy's dad since his mom was with her parents so they could have Thanksgiving together. OJ and Peaches were curled up on the cooler to stay warm. They miss their brother Oreo who passed away a few weeks before.

We found an inversion table on Craig's List and Troy bought it. It held him so everyone else gave it a try too.

After church we took a group of young people over to cliff cave park. Ann notice the bald eagle in the trees. It is right in the center of the picture.

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