August 2014

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In August Troy was on travel the whole month. He went to West Palm Beach, Florida, , Montgomery, Alabama, Owosso, MI and Burlington, Iowa. While Troy was in Florida he found a burger place that had a veggie burger and they also made these supersized onion rings. They tasted really good but they certainly are not good for you... Troy had to take some sampling equipment to Florida. He had no problems going through airport security on the way down but on the way up they wanted to closely examine the instruments. Troy told them that he had been working with the instruments at the sewage sludge plant. The security people all turned up their noses after they opened up the cases. The low seniority person had to take the samples.

We found one of these St. Louis 250th birthday cakes in Jefferson Barracks.

Troy was able to take Ann and the girls to Michigan to visit with her family and then head on up to his work. On the way up we passed this semi with a damaged trailer. There was a strap and chain holding the trailer together...

At church Marquita presented a short prophecy seminar. Ann, Abigail and Elizabeth were able to attend almost every meeting.

Abigail and Elizabeth started school in August. Ann continues to homeschool Elizabeth and Abigail is taking "online" high school through Andrews University.

The oven ignitor went out while Troy was away. Thankfully, he was able to get it replaced one weekend when he was home so we could use the oven again.

Elizabeth helped Troy harvest honey one Sunday when he was home.

There was a 5th Sabbath in August so the youth ran the church service. Abigail and Jymie worked together to give the sermon.

The banana tree continued to flower. The bees found it and really seemed to like the nectar.

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