March 2014

January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014
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Abigail and Elizabeth are active in church. Abigail helps with communion. Elizabeth with her friend sing special music.

In March Troy traveled to Schenectady, NY and Ft. Worth, TX. It snowed in New York and in Ft. Worth there was a big thunderstorm on afternoon. Troy received his first call of the year about a bee removal. It had to wait for a little while because he was on travel and building the playhouse.

One of our longtime church members moved away

Troy and his dad started building a playhouse for the girls.

The girls made a colorful cake.

Troy's mom and dad came over again for her birthday and to continue working on the playhouse.

The girls fixed the cats a "catfood cake", then dressed up the cats for their birthday and had the pose for birthday pictures.

Troy's little pineapple sprout continues to grow.


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