Chiefs Game 2017

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More pictures from the Chiefs game.

Troy and Abby snacked on the way over from home to the stadium. They really enjoyed the "muddy-buddies" that Abby made. At the stadium they found some places that had some vegetarian food. Troy ordered a veggie burger meal but was told he would have to wait 15 minutes to get it. He drank his lemonade while waiting and waiting. He went back to see what was happening and they gave him a pretzel and cheese, which Abby began eating. Troy ate some of it too as he continued to wait. Finally, they told Troy the veggie burgers had not been properly frozen and were not safe to eat so they gave him cash back for his entire meal. He got a cheese pizza that was not very good and Abby got a bucket of popcorn. They ate two buckets of popcorn.

Even as high up as they were sitting they could feel the heat from the flames as the players ran into the stadium.

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