August 2017

January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017
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August brought some interesting events. Abby started her senior year of high school and Elizabeth started 8th grade. Both of them are attending Griggs Online Academy.

We had a rooster in the yard from time to time in August. One rainy afternoon he had the cats scared and up on the front porch.

Elizabeth captured this photo of Ann sitting in the swing while talking on the phone. Notice that Sparkle and Sam had taken up positions on either side of her.

We took Abby's 17 year pictures at Sandy Creek Covered Bridge. You may notice her tan from her work as a lifeguard. She continued working at the pool and picking up extra shifts from some of her coworkers.

The biggest event was the solar eclipse. Our house was very close to being on the centerline of totality. That means we experienced just over 2 minutes of totality. We used our eclipse glasses and took many pictures of the phenomena. Some of them were very interesting and we have a few of them here but the Eclipse pictures are on their own page. Click this link to go to the eclipse page. The girls were not too impressed with the the older eclipse watching technology as shown in the picture on the right.

We had a pretty good paw paw crop until some creatures started damaging and eating them. We got some game cameras to see what was getting our crop. Turns out the local raccoons were partaking of the fruits of our labors. The dry weather no doubt was driving them to seek any available food.

We got to spend a weekend attending some meetings that Mark Finley spoke at in St. Louis. Troy used some of his hotel points and got us a room at the hotel so we wouldn't have to drive so much.

Sparkle wanted to be where Sam was and he was moving in behind Ann.

When Troy was walking in Colorado he found some hen and chicks that were doing something he had never observed before.

Ann and the girls went to a baby shower at church.

It has been really dry and the bees were not finding much to forage on . However, this bee found something to eat on some "weeds" growing in the driveway near the sawdust pile.

At the end of August Troy was sent up to do some work in Iowa. Thankfully, only the foggy drive up was intense and the work was uneventful.

January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017
July 2017 August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 December 2017
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