October 2017

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In October we celebrated Elizabeth's Birthday. This link will take you to the pictures.

Elizabeth took this picture of our "butter 'n eggs" flowers.

We had vespers at our house and a church social afterwards.

As we kept singing more people arrived and added their voices to ours.

We sang songs and enjoyed the vespers service. Then after sunset we cooked some veggie hot-dogs on the fire. We had a good time and enjoyed watching a brief meteor shower before the moon rose and washed them out the rest of the night.

Sammy was being naughty when Troy was setting up the fire the day before vespers and the church social. Troy laid out the wood for the fire and covered it with a tarp since it was supposed to rain - and it did.

There was a very strong thunderstorm and it was really just one very large cloud. Troy tried to capture some pictures of the cloud-to-cloud lightning as it unleashed large hail on Illinois. This link will take you to that page.

Troy and Abby went to a Chief's game at Arrowhead Stadium. They made a brief stop on the way to drop some things off with Troy's cousin Andy and his mom. There was a lot of traffic as expected and a lot of people were there tailgating when we arrived. We sat up high on the visitor side so the sun would help keep us warm. A "season-ticket-holder" came up and told us we were in the wrong section so we asked some people around us and they had the same section number we did. However, this guy was sure he was right and everyone else was wrong, fortunately an usher was walking close by and we asked him. Turns out our season-ticket-holder was in the wrong section... This link will take you to some additional pictures from the Chief game.

Troy spoke at a mine safety conference in Reno, NV. Here are some of the vegetarian options he had.

There were two very good speakers at the conference, Captain Charlie Plumb and Kina Repp. He is pictured with them below.

The Voice of Prophecy held a short series of meetings called Pale Horse Rides. Our church didn't host it but Elizabeth and Troy drove to Rolla one night to see one of the presentations. It is worth your while if you get a chance to see it.

Ann and Troy went to Branson for an anniversary trip. They stopped on the way and visited with Troy's former supervisor Mark who showed them his newest electric riding lawnmower. He was also building an earth-berm greenhouse.

They toured a vertical cave and their legs reminded them about that for several days. Follow this link to pictures of the cave and related adventures They enjoyed eating at several different restaurants. When they went down by the river front to see the fountains there was a trick-or-treat event going on for the local children so they didn't stay long. The couple in the pictures didn't realize how wet they were going to get when the fountains started up.

Instead they went up to the five and dime store to look at old toys and bought some taffy. They had to go back later and get more taffy to take home for the girls because - well you know, they had eaten most of it themselves.

Troy and Ann had to sit through a sales pitch for the Holiday Inn Club to get their hotel for taxes only. The sales person was polite and we could have had a package for 10 days per year in Hawaii plus a few nights per year in the mainland for a low price of only $79,000 with a "low interest rate of 16%". We both nearly laughed out loud at the "low" interest rate. We told them not interested and then the pressure guy came over which really did not sit well with Ann. Needless to say, we didn't buy in.

Troy and Ann toured the fish hatchery and dam.

There was a sign at the fish hatchery about different plants. Troy took this picture of buck brush that he thought his dad would get a kick out of.

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