May 2017

January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017
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Abby received an award for her volunteer work in the community..

In May, a lot of rain fell in Missouri and the Meramec River was flooding along HWY 30. An old bridge washed out and into the newer bridge that replaced it near where Troy has bees.

The weather issues continued with a severe hailstorm in Lakewood, CO. The picture below shows the storm approaching, a car that was damaged at the federal center, and the hail piling up at the rental house. Troy was in the office when he took this picture. He had a meeting through lunch and he was heading down the hall to leave at 2:00 but he thought that he should stay. He started back to the office but he heard a voice that it was going to hail, so he needed to leave. He headed to the house and shortly after he arrived it started hailing. It hailed for 15 minutes and we are all thankful that he made it before the hail started.

Ann and the girls came out to visit Troy in Colorado. Elizabeth used some of the travel time to work on her blanket.

We went for walk along a creek in Boulder on Sabbath afternoon. As we were walking along the creek we found some people who didn't know what poison ivy was. They were surprised when we pointed out they had their blanket sitting on a patch.

We had a special mother's day breakfast and a rosebush out front provided some beautiful flowers.

We went to the Science Center/Natural History Museum where they had some unique crystal specimens on display. We have never brought back any rocks quite like these.

We saw some interesting creatures at the aquarium.

Abby started a summer job as a lifeguard at the Pacific Pool in May. Abby worked the required time during the holiday weekend to be eligible for an end-of-year bonus.


Out lemon tree produced some lemons. Our strawberries on the other hand didn't produce so well but we did get a few tasty treats. At the end of the month the blueberries came on quickly.

Some birds that ate lots of blueberries were nesting in an apple tree at the edge of the berry patch.

The weather produced some unusual cloud formations.

We have a good crop of ant lions in the berry patch. As far as we know they don't eat blueberries. We found this cute little turtle in the blueberry patch too.

January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017
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